District Announcements

District Announcements

Announcements pertinent to the District are posted here. Submit additional announcements with complete contact information to admin@metropolitanbaptistdistrict.org for review and posting. All announcements are subject to an approval process.
The African American Heritage Luncheon will take place on Saturday, February 9, 2019 at Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church at noon. Tickets are $30.00 each. There are eight seats to a table. You may secure your tickets from Sister Eulonda Whitmore from the Congress Finance Team.
The MEDCCE Skating Fellowsip will be held on Monday day, January 21, 2019 at Northland Roller Rink. Tickets are $5 each. Skate rental is $3. Tickets are available from the Congress Finance Team.
October 11, 2018 - Pastors and Members of the Metropolitan District are encouraged to participate in the Wolverine Congress of Christian Education 1 Day Session at Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church, Pastor Nathan Johnson, Host. The service begins at 6:00pm.

A joint choir is being formed from the Metropolitan District. Choir members are being asked to report no later than 5:30 pm and to wear black and white.
October 26-28, 2018 the Walter Cade Jr Nine States Workshop will be hosted by the Michigan Baptist Laymen's Fellowship, Chaired by our own President Evans Holman. President Holman will join with Laymen in the BM&E and Wolverine State Conventions to host attendees from across the Region. The Metropolitan Missionary Baptist District Association is proud of the work of the Laymen in our District and supportive of this endeavor!
Join us July 10-13, 2018 at the Christian Fellowship of Love Missionary Baptist Church in Detroit MI where the Rev. Terry Thomas is the host pastor. Click the link to download the flyer.
Registration is open for the 2018 Carver Camp Summer Experience! Your camper, ages 8-12, are encouraged to participate alongside other children from Metropolitan District Churches. Visit the Events page or call Church of Our Father Missionary Baptist Church 313-891-7626 to register for one of the session weeks! For more information visit the Carver Camp website.
President Ronald C. Burks and Dean Toniya King have posted the schedule for the April 16-20, 2018 Congress of Christian Education Annual Session. Visit the Congress page today!
Join us for the Spring Inspirational meeting March 15, 2018 at 7:00 pm. Rev. Richard R. White III, will be the Inspirational preacher. We will be hosted by the Palestine Missionary Baptist Church, 15787 Wyoming Ave., Detroit, MI 48238, Pastor Ronald C. Burks, host Pastor.
Visit the Minister's Wives and Widows page for more information on their 2018 Annual Prayer Breakfast. Sis. Cynthia Smith, Women's Auxiliary President of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. will be the keynote speaker. See Sis. Annette Peace, MWWA President for more information.
Visit the Congress page for registration forms and class lists for the 2018 Annual Session. For more information see Sis. Toniya King, Dean Metropolitan District Congress of Christian Education. Registration forms may be submitted beginning February 10, 2018 at the Tabernacle MBC during the regular session.