Laymen's Auxiliary

Deacon Ricky Sears, President

"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another" Proverbs 27:17

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The Metropolitan District Laymen are responsible for the promotion of layman's work through the local churches.


Mission Statement

The mission of the Metropolitan District Layman Auxiliary is to enlist and coordinate the manpower of the local congregations. To cultivate the Christian life of men through study, worship, fellowship and service. Our focus is on building authentic, Christ- centered, trusting relationships amongst our men. Such that we can help encourage one another to grow in Christlikeness, serve others in need and evangelize the lost. Our goal is also to develop mentors and nurture our young boys, so they can grow to be the men God created them to be.

2021-2022 Officers

Brother Ricky Sears (Twelfth Street), President

Brother Nathaniel Johnson (Obedient), Vice President at Large

Brother Kerry Humphries (Dexter), 1st Vice President

Brother Chester Dunbar (Twelfth Street), 2nd Vice President

Brother Louis Chambers (Greater Shiloh), 3rd Vice President

Brother Louis Chambers (Greater Shiloh), Recording Secretary

Brother Kerry Humphries (Dexter), Financial Secretary

Brother Paul Watson (New Westside Central), Treasurer

Brother Emerson Reed (Pleasant Grove), Corresponding Secretary

Brother Odess Johnson (Emeritus) (Greater Shiloh), Time and Place

Brother Josh Mobley (Dexter Ave), President of the Laymen Male Chorus

Borther Timothy Peoples (Macedonia), Presidential Advisor

Brother Emerson Reed (Pleasant Grove), Presidential Advisor



As of November 18, 2020

Layman's Pledge

As Metropolitan District Layman, we pledge: 

  • To unite together to demonstrate more fully the essential oneness of men in the Lord
  • To promote a spirit of fellowship and cooperation among our men.

We also pledge to serve as a training catalyst for men and boys in mission and any other areas needed to grow a vibrant, Christ-centered, disciple-making, life-changing Men's Ministry in our churches.

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